Tummy Rubs

Why would I want an abdominal massage?

Abdominal massage is an often-overlooked part of what massage therapy can offer, but can be incredibly effective for relaxation and circulation.

What does abdominal massage look like? It’s pretty much the same as a back massage, but usually with less pressure. We use long, soothing strokes and circulation-boosting techniques to work on the area from your sternum to your hipbones. This massage can also include parts of the low back, diaphragm, ribs, and hips. We can use deeper and more specific techniques for treating trigger points, fascial restrictions, and constipation.

Abdominal massage is very effective in activating the “rest and digest” part of your nervous system, to allow you to feel more relaxed and let your body heal. Because there are so many more nerves in the front of our body than the back, some people actually find abdominal massage extremely helpful for insomnia and stress. It also helps to boost blood flow, bringing fresh nutrients and flushing toxins and inflammatory chemicals through the circulatory system to be eliminated.

If you have any pelvic health history or digestive issues, it is important to tell your RMT before doing any deep abdominal work. Your RMT will modify techniques to give you a safe and effective treatment.

– Sarah Crocker, RMT