Grilled Asparagus with Pine-nuts and Grapefruit

  • 1 bunch of asparagus – cut into 1.5″ pieces
  • 1.5 tbsp pinenuts
  • 2 tbsp Olive oil
  • juice of ½ lemon and grated rind
  • 1 small pink grapefruit peeled and remove pith and thin membrane so you are left with just the flesh. Cut each section in thirds
  • Salt and pepper to taste


Heat non-stick pan and over low heat, toss the pine nuts until golden brown. Remove from pan and place off to side.

Heat 1tbsp of olive oil in pan and add asparagus and cook until tender.

Place on plate, sprinkle pine nuts overtop drizzle with remaining olive oil, and lemon juice. Top with a sprinkle of course sea salt, pepper to taste and grapefruit pieces

Note: if you can’t eat grapefruit for health reasons or because it’s contraindicated with the medications that you’re on, you can substitute it with blood orange