Spring Detox

Spring Detox

Here are some simple tips for a gentle spring cleanse to help leave you feeling light and full of energy: Drink a cup of warm water with lemon first thing each morning. This helps to get digestion going and lemon is a great aid in detoxifying the system Eat green...
Spring Cleaning Our Spirit

Spring Cleaning Our Spirit

Over the next few weeks as the weather gets warmer and warmer, as the trees awaken from their WATER Element winter’s slumber, so are does our Spirit strive to capture the essence of this beautiful WOOD Element Spring. When our Wood energy is abundant, we have...
Sore Throat & Fever Tea: The “UGH I’m sick!”

Sore Throat & Fever Tea: The “UGH I’m sick!”

This tea is great for anyone with that throat that feels like you swallowed glass pieces and you could heat the entire house on your own without the furnace. We’d call this the wind heat type of common cold in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Tea Recipe: 2 tbsp...
RMT Tip: The Epsom Salt Bath

RMT Tip: The Epsom Salt Bath

One thing I love about the Autumn transition is the return of the hot bath! With the colder nights and back-to-work/school stress, a full body heat treatment can be a great way to give yourself some overdue TLC. As an RMT I often recommend Epsom salt baths to my...
Optimizing your Health through Spring

Optimizing your Health through Spring

Written by: Angela Warburton, B.A., R.Ac., R.TCMP We live in a culture and time when we have so much available to us, yet we live in a place with seasons and very different temperatures throughout the year. Somehow with all our access foods from around the world and a...