Spring Cleaning Our Spirit

Over the next few weeks as the weather gets warmer and warmer, as the trees awaken from their WATER Element winter’s slumber, so are does our Spirit strive to capture the essence of this beautiful WOOD Element Spring. When our Wood energy is abundant, we have clarity of mind and high-powered focus. Fed by the creativity of WATER, this mental strength allows us to embrace and pursue the vast expanse of possibilities available to us in this life.

The healthy and bountiful Wood of Spring also allows us to embody the benevolent, kindhearted generosity along with the humbleness and relaxed temperance that is our birth rite. If over the last few weeks you have becoming more aware of headaches and migraines, muscle tension and feelings of frustration over various aspects of your life, these can be signs that your Wood energy needs attention.

Simple ways of incorporating the spirit of spring in our daily lives are:

  • Rediscovering or awakening our love for writing and poetry by signing up for a creative writing class.
  • Expressing ourselves athletically by taking up a martial art or sport. Also getting back to exercising and physically activity, whether it is jogging or walking outdoors, rejoining that dance glass or gym, or doing online YouTube classes by our favourite trainer.
  • Actively practicing relaxation in the ways of our choice whether it is with mediation, yoga, qi gong, breathing exercises or spending quality time in nature and with loved ones.
  • Acupuncture is also a great way to retune our bodies to be inline with the dynamism that is Spring. Reclaim the healthy and vibrant person you were born to be!

– Kandiss Fernando, R.TCMP