Cleansing, miraculous watercress

Cleansing, miraculous watercress

Cooling, pungent and bitter- sweet, watercress is a natural diuretic helping to clear excess fluid from the body. It impacts the lungs, stomach, bladder and kidney systems in TCM and strengthens the Qi (or vital energy) in the body. It also is helpful in not only...
Thieves Blend

Thieves Blend

This is a recipe that’s been around for centuries. Its name came about as many of the grave robbers would apply this to their hands before robbing the graves of those who died from the plague, some how seeming to keep themselves healthy and plague free. I can’t...
Warm lamb Tagine

Warm lamb Tagine

Nothing says happiness in winter like a rich and healthy stew or casserole cooked in a traditional Tagine. It’s been said that the flavours and nutrition skyrocket in this age old cooking vessel, not to mention it’s aesthetically exciting appearance on...
Cool As A…

Cool As A…

Food Focus: Cucumber We love using food as medicine in Eastern Medicine. Food cures are one of the coolest and simplest ways to rebalance the body. When we use seasonal summer foods, in the summer, we can help beat the heat in a powerful but delicious way! Naturally...