Thieves Blend

This is a recipe that’s been around for centuries. Its name came about as many of the grave robbers would apply this to their hands before robbing the graves of those who died from the plague, some how seeming to keep themselves healthy and plague free.
I can’t guarantee any sort of immunity to the plague with this of course, but what we do know is that the herbs and ingredients in this recipe have many antimicrobial and antiviral properties. Any medicinal food taken regularly (if in alignment with your body), has the ability to gently strengthen and bolster your system. A small thing, but we do know that many small things, done over time, make a significant difference.
The classic formula includes 4 ingredients (hence the name): Sage, mint and rosemary and thyme.
I’m including recipes for vinegars which you can take internally, as well an essential oil blend that you can use topically or to purify the air etc.

Classic Thieves Vinegar:
¼ cup of fresh chopped peppermint,
¼ cup of fresh rosemary,
¼ cup of fresh thyme, and
¼ cup of fresh sage leaves*
4 cloves fresh crushed garlic
2 cups of apple cider vinegar
A pint sized mason jar with a lid.

Strip the herbs from their stems and roughly chop them. You want to smell the herbs but don’t worry about chopping them too finely
Crush, chop or press the garlic

Place the herbs and crushed garlic into the mason jar.
Add enough vinegar to fully cover the herbs fully fill the jar.

Refrigerate or leave in a cool place for 5 to 7 days then strain the liquid into a clean glass jar. Discard the herbs and voila! You have yourself some thieves vinegar.

This can be used in salad dressings, as a morning elixir with warm water and honey (this is also great for moving Liver energy in Eastern Medicine, so wonderful if you’re feeling a bit irritable or pent up from being at home for too long!) or straight up as a drinking vinegar shot. Just a note that vinegar is hard on tooth enamel so be mindful to brush your teeth after taking to prevent any erosion. About 1 tbsp is plenty to take daily.

Immune Boosting Drink
Add a tbsp of Thieves vinegar to warm water and drink with raw honey** to taste
This is great for soothing a sore dry throat and the vinegar is helpful for moving energy which is good for helping circulation and calming stress and anxiety

2 TBS of the Four Thieves
2 TBS plain apple cider vinegar
¼-1/3 cup of olive oil
1 tsp tahini or grainy mustard
salt and black pepper ti taste
1 tsp raw honey**

Shake and pour over steamed greens, a warm salad, rice or fresh greens

Other Uses:
For cleaning, cut with water

Skin astringent Mix with 1/2 water for skin use
Mosquitos and bug repellant use with 3/4 water and 1/4 vinegar to ward off irritating pests,
Immune booster take 1 tsp daily.
*Avoid sage in concentrated doses If you’re pregnant , and don’t use this as a tonic – just use it in cooking occasionally as a salad dressing ingredients. Sage can also dry things so be mindful if breastfeeding as it may contribute to drying milk if taken in large doses
** avoid raw honey if pregnant or for children under 6 years old and opt for pasteurised instead