Essential Care for Caregivers

Essential Care for Caregivers

Care For The Caregivers Strength, calm and resiliency tools for front line workers If your anxiety and fear peaks at the end of the day after you’ve cared for everyone else and you’re left not being able to sleep or manage simple day to day self-care tasks, this is...
Building resilience in challenging times

Building resilience in challenging times

Building resilience in challenging times During this time of shared global challenges, I’m offering virtual naturopathic consultations at adjusted rates to reflect the widespread economic changes so many of us are facing. Let’s connect and not let physical distancing...
Chinese Medicine for Hay Fever

Chinese Medicine for Hay Fever

The burden of rhinitis is nothing to sneeze at! Allergic rhinitis affects 10–20% of the population, and evidence suggests that the prevalence of the disorder is increasing.  South of the border, Americans spend over $3 billion annually on prescribed antihistamines....
Warm lamb Tagine

Warm lamb Tagine

Nothing says happiness in winter like a rich and healthy stew or casserole cooked in a traditional Tagine. It’s been said that the flavours and nutrition skyrocket in this age old cooking vessel, not to mention it’s aesthetically exciting appearance on...
Seasonal Retreats: The Importance of Self-Care

Seasonal Retreats: The Importance of Self-Care

These retreats were formed, from the number one need that I see in my day-to-day clinical practice – a need for nourishing self-care and the space to stop and simply BE, for a bit. They are focused on self-care, deep nourishment and time away from the daily...