The Healthiest Blog Around

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2024 Intention Setting

2024 Intention Setting

By Dee Dorrance, R.Ac, CNP Lots of people are setting intentions for the new year right now, including me. For others, it doesn't quite feel like the right time, and that's okay too. Making plans in the depths of winter isn't for everyone. In TCM, Winter is less about...

2024 Intention Setting

By Dee Dorrance, R.Ac, CNP Lots of people are setting intentions for the new year right now, including me. For others, it doesn't quite feel like the right time, and that's okay too. Making plans in the depths of winter isn't for everyone. In TCM, Winter is less about yang and the act of doing, and more about yin and the power of simply being. What happens when you let go of the idea that you...

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Workshop: Fall in Love.  It All Starts with You.

Workshop: Fall in Love. It All Starts with You.

Identify your unique love style and how to breakthrough those inner barriers that are holding you back from the love you so deeply desire Relationships can be one of the more rewarding things in a person’s life, but they can also be elusive or painful for many. Did...

Preparing for the Fall

Preparing for the Fall

Seasonal awareness is important when the days start getting darker. In Chinese medicine, each season is affiliated with an organ system and each organ system is associated with both a spiritual and an emotional aspect. Each time the seasons change, we have an...

Late Sumer – Transition Time

Late Sumer – Transition Time

It’s currently the end of summer and school has just started back up for the year. It’s a time of transition as we step from the carefree, hot, often highly social and outdoor focused summer energy to the gentle turning inwards and slowing down energy of fall.  Some...

Well Hello Summer!

Well Hello Summer!

Heat, lush gardens, fresh food, bare feet and outdoor living. There's nothing like it! As with every season, summer brings with it it's own unique blend of gifts. Our gardens and markets are filled with fresh naturally ripened foods. Social calendars are filled with...

Cool As A…

Cool As A…

Food Focus: Cucumber We love using food as medicine in Eastern Medicine. Food cures are one of the coolest and simplest ways to rebalance the body. When we use seasonal summer foods, in the summer, we can help beat the heat in a powerful but delicious way! Naturally...

SPRING – Into Good Health! TCM Detox

SPRING – Into Good Health! TCM Detox

A TCM Spring Detox Guide for Body, Mind and Soul by Angela Warburton As published in The Hearty Soul The ancient wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) uses the unique elements of each season (winter spring summer and fall) to guide us on how to live in...

Warm Spring salad

Warm Spring salad

Warm Spring Salad 4 cups Baby Greens 2 medium beets (cubed) Handful of green beens Thinly sliced spring onion ½ package Non-GMO Firm tofu cubed (optional) Directions: Roast the cubed beets Cube tofu into 1″cubes Saute beans and tofu in small amount of healthy oil on...

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Using Food as Medicine: Applying the Wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine to Heal.

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