Moving through the Change of Season

Moving through the Change of Season

As the seasons change, and we move from warmth into the cool of fall, we start to wind down our summer energies and prepare for the shorter days to come. With this shift comes cold and flu season. This is always a time we suggest taking particular care to nourish our immune systems, and keep ourselves warm – no shorts and tank tops just because the sun is shining! For many, this means back-to-school, either for yourselves, your children or both. This year is bringing new dimensions to back-to-school season, including uncertainties and potentially greater anxieties. With the added concerns that come with emerging from our bubbles and suddenly re-immersing ourselves and our children back into (previously normal) social interaction, there’s even more reason to make sure we’re doing our best to support our health this fall.

Key tips for a healthy immune system:

– Nutrition: eat whole foods, at regular intervals. Now that the weather is cooling, be sure meals are warm and cooked, bonus points for hearty soups and stews. Avoid refined sugars, highly processed and deep-fried foods, and excesses of alcohol.

– Exercise: Keep active all or most days of the week. This will support your physical systems as well as your mood. It doesn’t have to be long or particularly structured. Any activity that gets you moving is good, one that makes you sweat is even better. Excessive exercise can suppress immune functioning, so if you’re a highly trained or professional athlete, remember to take it easy if you think you’re coming down with a cold or flu.

– Stress management: stress is a major drain on our systems. The more we stress, the less we’re able to do anything else. Draw on stress-reducing tools to lessen the adverse effects on your immune system. Examples include mindfulness meditation, taking time to be in nature (city parks count!), regular exercise, eating well (see above), creative activities (art, dance, even cooking!), talk therapy, social connection.

– Sleep: getting enough sleep is key to keeping ourselves in tip top condition. Make sure you give yourself enough time to rest at the end of each day. Set yourself up for success by having a relaxed atmosphere. Make sure your room is dark, quiet and tidy. Keep work, bright electronics, and anything that triggers stress out of the bedroom. Go to bed and wake up at consistent times 7 days a week.

There are plenty of additional supports that can help you to move through this fall with confidence that your body is ready to support you no matter what challenges you may face. I know there are a lot of products and practices being recommended right now, and it may be hard to navigate. As a rule, always use caution when starting supplements or botanical remedies. Although there are many products that can help support a robust immune system, not all of these are good for everyone. If in doubt, consult a qualified professional. If you’d like to learn more, reach out to develop a personalized immune boosting plan. If you prefer a Do-It-Yourself approach, you can access my online course Building a Healthy Immune System which explains how you can optimize your immune function simply and easily on your own terms.

Wishing you a nourishing and healthful change of season!

Dr. Kristen Mark, ND