Topped Portabello Mushroom

By Dr. Kaleb Montgomery TCM

Want to indulge your mouth in a savoury tasty hearty treat.
A seasonal treat to enjoy cozied up with family and friends. Easy and fun to make, even kids would love to help!

Preheat over to 350°F
Take a fresh Portabello Mushroom
Remove the stem and place smooth side down
Cut up a few dried apricots and sprinkle them on the mushroom
Crumble some feta cheese on the apricot
Put the mushroom in the oven until the juices started to come up in the mushroom

(Bake for about 10 – 15 minutes)
Enjoy the delicious combination of savoury heart mushroom, sweet and slightly tart apricot with the salty slightly sour feta finishing it off.