Preventing Colds and Flus Naturally

Written by Angela Warburton, TCM

People are constantly asking me about the flu shot. Do I think they should take it? What are my thoughts? It really is such a challenging question because, when it comes right down to it, it really is a personal question and choice. What I can say is that I don’t take it. I haven’t had the flu (knock on wood) for over 20 years at least and know that sometimes, getting sick is our body’s way of stopping, resting and detoxing a bit, which really isn’t always a bad thing. But, there are people who are immune compromised or spend time in an environment where there is deep worry or concern about being exposed to, or exposing others to potential viruses. It is a personal choice. Having said that, I also believe it should be an educated choice and not one based in fear.

What I can and do tell people is about all the things you can do to boost your immune system, stay strong and help prevent colds and flus naturally. I apply these to my life all the time and, although I do come down with a cold about once a year, it’s short-­‐lived and inevitably at a time when I’ve been pushing myself a bit too hard, not listening to my body as well as I usually do and just simply, need a rest.

The following are some simple, yet highly effective immune boosters and some common TCM herbs we use to prevent or introduce at the early onset of a cold or flu to help you fast track it and recover faster.

Eat a whole food based diet.


Yes, we know for so many reasons that fruits and vegetables are good for us…but they really, really are! All the micro-­nutrients found in whole foods give your body all the little things that it needs to get and stay strong. Certainly focusing on foods naturally high in bioflavonoids and vitamin c (rosehips, blueberries, lemon, bok choy, lightly cooked broccoli, bell peppers, strawberries, garlic, green tea etc.) are helpful to boost your immune system. As are foods naturally high in zinc (pumpkin and squash seeds, oysters, lamb, sesame seeds, dark chocolate, etc.).
Try to get a rainbow when you eat going for a mix of colours and eating organic when ever possible (look to the ‘clean 15 and dirty dozen’ list for the fruits and veggies that are best to buy organic because of pesticide use).

Decrease/avoid Sugar


Unknown to most people, sugar actually decreases your immune system for up 5 (yes FIVE) hours after you have it. If you’re feeling like you’re fighting something or have a full on cold or flu, best to step away from the sweets.

Decrease Dairy


Dairy is one of the biggest culprits for producing mucus in the body. So if you’re one who is chronically congested or coughing up phlegm or if you’ve got a cold, best to lay off the dairy.

Now that we are in the midsts of cold and flu season, these are helpful tips to keep in mind over the next few months, but also great tools to have in your healthy-living arsenal!


Angela Warburton, TCM