The Healthiest Blog Around

Our blog provides health and wellness insights, tips and recipes to help you live your healthiest life. Keep coming back for more!

Spare Some Change

Spare Some Change

By Jordan Lewis, MSW RSW It’s that time of the year again. The leaves are changing, the kids have gone back to school and the scent of pumpkin spice hangs heavy in the air. Fall generally feels like a new beginning for most people. It’s probably because we were all so...

Spare Some Change

By Jordan Lewis, MSW RSW It’s that time of the year again. The leaves are changing, the kids have gone back to school and the scent of pumpkin spice hangs heavy in the air. Fall generally feels like a new beginning for most people. It’s probably because we were all so conditioned, growing up, to see the new school year as the marker of starting out again. Sure, January marks the official...

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Happy Gut, Healthy Lives

Happy Gut, Healthy Lives

So much of our health and our vitality stems from our gut health. Our digestion of course, but also our energy, mood, ability to concentrate and even our sleep quality are all impacted by the health of our gut. There’s so much to know about it and at times it can be...

Wild Nettle Pesto

Wild Nettle Pesto

Perfect for spring, when Nettle is abundant, Dr. Dori Skye Engel shares her Nettle Pesto recipe   Wild Nettle Pesto Big bag of raw nettle 3 cloves of garlic (or less if you are not such a garlic fan) ½ cup of olive oil ½ cup of hemp seeds (or nut or seed of your...

Winter Cleansing

Winter Cleansing

Angela Warburton, R.TCMP Most people don’t need to be sold on the benefits of cleansing. And it’s not uncommon that people feel the need to cleanse, or at least clean up their diet after the indulgent holiday season. “Toxic overload” can have many faces: headaches,...

How I Practice Dying Every Day

How I Practice Dying Every Day

When I was 26, my boyfriend’s dad and brother both died unexpectedly in a relatively short time period. It was at this time that my mentor said something I never forgot: “Practice dying every day.” What does this mean? To practice dying? When we think about it, our...

Give a Warm Welcome to Anita Rajan

Give a Warm Welcome to Anita Rajan

Please say hello to a new healer here at Urban Wellness, Anita Rajan! Anita works in the field of soft-touch chiropractic care, and has been making waves in the health and wellness world with her unique, holistic treatment method. With a gifted touch in her hands and...

Ancient Wisdom, Modern Stomach EBook

Using Food as Medicine: Applying the Wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine to Heal.

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