What is Breathwork?

Breathwork is the umbrella term for a variety of breathing methods that exist. When we consciously control our breathing, we are doing breathwork. Our breath is the most incredibly powerful and most easily accessible tool we have at our disposal. When we learn how to use it, we can become a master of our inner state. It can bring us peace, energy, joy, balance and even help us access altered states of consciousness. Only now is science catching up to what our ancestors have known and practised for thousands of years.

During a conscious connected breathing session, participants breathe without any pause between the exhale and the inhale. This creates changes in your physiology, quiets your thinking mind and allows access to emotions and stuck energy. Affirmation, vocalising and body movements are all a part of the session to help release that which is holding you back from feeling free and light. Every breathwork session is unique as the intention we bring to it shapes our personal experience.

What are the benefits of breathwork?

  • Relief of mental, physical, and/or emotional tension

  • Improved self-awareness and new perspectives/insights into old patterns and harmful habits

  • Letting go/releasing of old wounds, limiting beliefs/stories

  • Deeper spiritual connection and higher states of consciousness

Our new Breathwork facilitator;

Alicia is a grounded breathwork facilitator who is certified in three breathing modalities including Buteyko Breathing, Yoga Breathing and Conscious Connected Breathing. It is her mission to educate as many people as possible on the powerful transformational tool that is our breath. These transformations include greater self-awareness, healing of past wounds, relief from tension and anxiety and living in the present moment. She especially loves connecting and working with the LGBTQ2S+ community. She believes that through our breath we can connect to our deepest truest self, to our source and to others.

After a life-changing breathwork experience, Alicia walked away from her 12-year career as an elementary school teacher to share her passion for breathwork. She has used breathing to help her overcome PTSD associated with driving and postpartum depression.

She understands that healing doesn’t have to be and shouldn’t be all pain and misery, that laughter is as beneficial as crying and screaming. Alicia creates a safe and joyous space where people feel heard, seen, and understood just as they are.

She can be found walking along Toronto’s green trails with her wife and two kids.

Book a complimentary introduction with Alicia here