Top Cold and Flu Prevention Tips

Boost Your Immune System This Winter

Top Tips From Our Homeopath!

Every year people are left terrified of the seasonal flu. Confusion reins about the many tips floating around to better protect yourself in a stressed out, over-worked society; not to mention the upcoming winter season

Well, get you pens ready and firer up your amazon account because you’ll want to get these 3 suggestions pronto, pronto!

Here are my Hot tips to keep you warm during the colder months.

Hot Tip #1

My first recommendation was first discovered over a hundred (111 yrs.) years ago and won Dr. Metchnioff the Nobel Prize for his research. This hot immune boosting tip has come a long way and its really time for us to stomach it.

Probiotics are your number one defence against decreased immune function and the king in fighting off the flu and pretty much everything else. Researchers have proven that probiotics significantly reduces the risk of getting upper respiratory tract infections, including the cold and flu. Even when sick, probiotics decreases the severity and duration of the illness. Probiotics are especially of benefit for babies, the elderly and immune-compromised individuals to ward of potentially serious complications. Probiotics work by activating the body’s own immune response. Let’s not forget that 70% of the human immune system reside in the gut. I won’t bore you with all the magical immunology of how this works and why it is truly a wonder. Although our immune system makes antibodies that fight viruses, bacteria and toxins. Most of these antibodies are in our mucus membranes, they line the nose and upper respiratory tract. Probiotics boost IgA (immunoglobulin A) activity which prevents cold and flu viruses from gaining a foothold and wreaking havoc on the respiratory tract. Not to mention, all the great research out there that shows the benefits of probiotics on various mental health concerns such as concentration, energy levels and moods. Probiotics is the hot tip not just for this time of the year but for every season of the year.  Other benefits researchers are loving probiotics for are, Heart Disease, Dermatological issues, Dementia, Anxiety, Depression and surprise, surprise even Intelligence. Let people know how smart you are and grab some probiotics tonight on your way home.

Hot Tip #2

What do Romans soldiers have in common with this next hot tip? Well one thing is for sure, they wouldn’t go to war without their Garum and archeologist have discovered a revolt caused by a shortage of this next Hot tip.

What’s Garum you ask?

Not wanting to ferment any question or debate about this whole food supplement, which has been around since the Bronze age (at least 2600 years ago)!

Garum was used by the military, athletes and women and children. It was given to the weak as it was renowned for promoting strength and good health. Have you guessed it yet? Yes, that’s right I am talking about Fermented Cod Liver oil. If your taking an omega-3 fatty acid, let me introduce you to the Platinum standard of omega 3-fatty acids. In my books its the only omega-3 worth buying. Strong words I know, but what would you call a product that has never been processed: so, its precious oils have not been damaged and have bacteria that ferment this oil into ambrosia.  If the “nectar of the gods” exists on earth, then ladies and gentlemen this is it. Poly-unsaturated fats are extremely vulnerable to oxidative damage and the chemical stability of the oil is everything. Trying to get that from other sources of omega-3 fatty acids is impossible leaving one clear winner. Fermented cod liver oil (FCLO) has so much packed into this product that I will just mention some of my favorites that make this an immune and health champion. FCLO is very high in Quinones, also know as Coenzyme Q10 which provides energy to cells and has an antioxidant activity. This benefits people with lower levels of Co-Q10 such as in people with Heart disease, High Blood Pressure, Gum Diseases, Parkinson disease, blood infections, muscular diseases and HIV infection. FCLO contains vitamin A and D which help to keep that immune system in top shape regardless of sunlight in the darker winter months. Remember vitamin A and D are great for teeth, bones, soft tissue, white blood cells and the immune system and mucus membrane. Although many have heard of Omega-3 fatty acids, more and more people are using this natural anti-inflammatory, anti-ager and overall health and brain tonic. So be like a roman soldier and conquer the misinformation and get on the Fermented cod liver oil revolution and give your immune system a super charge.

 Hot Tip #3

The third secret to keeping your immune system on track is a bonus Homeopathic secret. I never leave home without it and I have not had a cold that last longer than 24 hours due to the power punch this remedy has in kicking influenza (common cold) to the curb.

Allium cepa is a very well-know homeopathic remedy that is derived from Red Onion. If you have ever tried to peel an onion, you’ll discover 3 things happen.

  • Your eyes start to tear.
  • Your nose starts to run
  • It can make you want to clear your throat.

This is all made possible by the volatile oils that are present in onions as a defence mechanism. Homeopaths and Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners have used these volatile oils to help boost the immunes system and to ease digestive complaints.

Allium Cepa is prescribed often to treat colds marked by burning nasal discharge and an extremely dry cough. Allium Cepa also provides relief to symptoms of bacterial infection, such as congestion, sore throat and ear infection.

So, there you have it, three hot tips of the trade that will keep you from jumping through hoops to stay healthy, happy and much wiser.

Kirk Kerr Homeopath, Acupuncture, Functional Medicine