Getting ready to feast for the holidays? 

Try these blood sugar regulating tips over the holidays to prevent the glucose and insulin rollercoaster rides:
1) Incorporate high fibre foods: This helps slow digestion and prevent blood sugar highs and lows! We typically like to aim for 25-30g/day
2) Choose complex carbs instead: Most simple carbs make it easy for your blood sugar to spike and drop. Complex carbs are more nutrient dense and are higher in fibre (again, this slows digestion and prevents blood sugar highs and lows). Bonus tip: Incorporate protein with your carbs to slow its absorption even more
3) Practice mindful eating: This allows your system to digest and absorb the nutrients better. It slows down our eating and food intake so we can better handle the food load! So for this holiday season, try putting down your utensils in between bites, rest a bit before going for seconds, and chew your food thoroughly!
4) Choose low glycemic index foods: The glycemic index tells us how fast that particular food releases glucose into our blood. The higher the number, the faster it releases! When making / bringing food, try using recipes (or substituting things) with ones that have a lower glycemic index!
Want to learn a bit more? You can grab her FREE handout here: