Cold & Flu Prevention: The Key is Sleep

We’re making a close on cold and flu season but many are still fighting the battle. I’m going to focus on how sleep is connected to this. Before I get into the “how” let’s back up and look at how and why we catch colds and flus.

  1. We do not get colds and flus because we get exposed to the virus all of a sudden – the cold virus is around us all the time on everything. It is impossible to avoid it. You are exposed to it right now.
  2. We get a cold and flu because we are run down, tired, not eating well etc – the interesting part of colds and flus is not that we get it, but WHEN we get it. A cold and a flu is a signal from your body to SLOW DOWN, relax and rest more. That leads me to the next point.
  3. Getting enough sleep is one of the most important things you can do to not only have your immune season working well, but for overall health and well being.

What you would expect me to say now is “get to bed earlier”. If you can, that’s great, but for most people getting to bed earlier every night is just not going to happen.

Here is some more realistic advice: get to bed early 2 nights a week. I’m not talking 15 minutes earlier, I’m talking 2 hours earlier. You would be surprised the difference in well being, mood and less illness that doing this can make.

Once in bed, you are allowed to read a book, but no smart phone games, no facebook, no email, no texting etc. Just you and a book in bed with the light low. Try it out. For me it’s made a huge difference in not being as tired, sick and grumpy. I’m happier, healthier and more pleasant to be around. 🙂

– Kaleb Montgomery, TCMP