Acupuncture Point for Congestion

Most cold and flus result in a stuffed up nose, nasal discharge or phlegm. You can use the acupuncture point ‘Large Intestine 20’ to clear out your nasal passages. Originally known as Ying Xiang, the name “Welcome Fragrance” indicates that this point is used to decongest the nose so that you can smell again.  This is a sensitive point when needled, but it responds nicely to firm pressure or gentle, circular massage.  If using pressure, apply pressure with your index finger for twenty seconds, then release for ten seconds. If you apply this pressure for at least two minutes, you should notice a marked improvement in your ability to breath through your nose again. If massaging, rub gentle circles in the area for 2 minutes to experience relief.  Depending on the severity of the cold, you may need to repeat this every hour or so for lasting relief. The great news is that this technique works very well for children, as well as for adults, so you can soothe the distress of little ones with this easy and natural technique.

– Jen Bowers, TCMP