Food & Energy Over the Holidays

Whether it is a case of too much sugar and alcohol or simply holiday excitement and spending time with relatives that rile you up – balancing our energy over the holidays is key to maintaining health and eliminating or reducing post-holiday fatigue.

One relatively simple way to balance your energy over the holidays is to continue to engage in self-care activities that calm your mind, body and spirit.   This is the season for giving, but we need to remember that we can only give to others when our own cup is full, and as adults we are responsible for continually filling our cups so that we can enjoy  the experience of giving to others.  Here are some activities that may help fill your cup this holiday season:

  • Going for a daily walk
  • Spending time in nature
  • Taking a rest with a cup of tea and a good book
  • Practicing yoga
  • Making time for exercise
  • Meditating
  • Epsom salt baths
  • Watching a favourite movie on your own or with loved ones
  • Having fun: playing games, ice skating, tobogganing etc.
  • Baking or cooking together with friends and family
  • Planning visits with friends or family who give you energy
  • Helping someone/people in need (incredibly energy and health promoting)
  • Planning meals and snacks that balance your mood and blood sugar during a season that can throw both of these things off.

In terms of food that can help to balance your energy and blood sugar, I recommend the following:

  • Nuts and seeds
  • Healthy proteins, such as meat and pulses
  • Healthy fats, such as avocados, ghee or butter
  • Plenty of green vegetables
  • Hearty root vegetables
  • Lots of water
  • Broth, soups and tea

All of these food choices will help to ground you and balance the increased consumption of holiday sugar and treats.

This holiday season make it a priority to take good care of yourself so that you have the energy to take care of your loved ones and those around you.


Happy Holidays!

– Kristen Tait, Holistic Nutritionist