5 Amazing Health Benefits of Ground Flaxseed!

Do You Flax?
by Dr. Tiffany Eberhard, ND


#1 Excellent source of fiber
Fiber improves blood sugar and cholesterol levels and helps improve digestion.

#2 High in healthy omega-3 fatty acids
Omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation in the body and promote skin health.

#3 Support weight loss
People who consume ground flax feel satisfied longer due their healthy fat and fiber content.

#4 Balance hormones
They can be used to reduce symptoms of menopause and PMS and improve cycle regularity.

#5 Cancer prevention
Ground flaxseeds may prevent or reduce your risk of certain cancers.


Make sure you use ground flaxseed and keep them in the fridge or freezer.

Consume 1-2 tbsps daily. Ground flax can be added to smoothies, baking, oatmeal, granola, etc.


Dr. Tiffany Eberhard enjoys helping people manage stress, lose weight, balance hormones, improve digestion, and sleep better. Book an appointment and start on your path to health today!
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